There are many ways to help!

Donate your time! If you are a healthcare provider or want to volunteer, send us an e-mail to, or complete the Contact form on our site.

Expand to your Area: Would your organization be willing to sponsor a Determined to be a Doctor Someday event in your area? Send us an email to

Of course, monetary contributions are always accepted! 

Financial donations can be made through the link below.



Donations can also be mailed to the following address: Determined to be a Doctor Someday (D.D.S.), P.O. Box 25423, Memphis, TN 38125.

You CAN make a difference!

Determined to be a Doctor Someday (D.D.S.) is an initiative of The 516 Foundation (TAX ID: 90-0746705), a not-for-profit, tax exempt corporation chartered in the state of Tennessee. All contributions to D.D.S. fund its programming and scholarships for its students.