Exposure is key!
Determined to be a Doctor Someday (D.D.S.) is a pathway program designed to expose students to the various disciplines of healthcare. More importantly, beyond the technical element, they see possibility! Transparency and vulnerability are encouraged among our healthcare professional guests, and the by-product of this exchange is an embodiment of hope. Fun, discipline-related activities are done. Scholarships and prizes are awarded, and students leave more “determined” than ever to pursue their dreams.
With the newly added toddler component, DDS is one of the few organizations in the country providing a STEAM-based curriculum outside of the traditional school setting.
Our current programming is subdivided into two main initiatives: 1) a one-day symposium for teens 14 to 18 years old and 2) a six-month program for both teens (14-18) and toddlers (two to five).
Both the symposium and program are similar in structure; however, the six-month program dives deeper into each health care profession with a focus on one specialty each month. In addition, participants in the program are rewarded with a white coat ceremony celebration to celebrate their hard work.
Other mission-related events are hosted throughout the year both virtually and in colloboration with other organizations.
DDS Program
Registration is now open for the 2025 Determined to be a Doctor Someday (D.D.S.) Program! Designed for teens (14 to 18) and toddlers (2-5), the objective is to provide exposure to different health care careers in a transparent yet fun and engaging format. Click here to learn more.
You Can Become a Doctor Too!
Before Career Day at his school, Art and his classmates believe becoming a doctor is impossible. After listening to the doctors, this all changes. Read more about the book by clicking here.
Mentorship & Resources
Is there a need for a program that would provide mentorship and resources for students who wish to obtain doctorate degrees in healthcare? Currently, professional schools across the nation are reporting low minority enrollment numbers in their programs, and these shortages are not specific to one particular discipline. It is known that minority professionals typically treat minority populations. With a reduction in the number of graduates from these professional schools and an increase in the number of minorities in the general population, the barrier to obtaining healthcare will continue to enlarge if this trend continues. Unfortunately, this will result in millions without access to care. So, the answer to the aforementioned question is, “Absolutely, Yes!”